Devourer of Men

Okładka książki Devourer of Men Nikki St. Crowe
Okładka książki Devourer of Men
Nikki St. Crowe Wydawnictwo: Blackwell House LLC fantasy, science fiction
fantasy, science fiction
Tytuł oryginału:
Devourer of Men
Blackwell House LLC
Data wydania:
Data 1. wydania:
Średnia ocen

9,0 9,0 / 10

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Średnia ocen
9,0 / 10
2 ocen
Twoja ocena
0 / 10



Na półkach:

If You loved Vicious Lost Boys - this is a must-read! ♡

I still can't believe I received ARC 🥹 I'm so extremely grateful!

I knew I wanted and needed more Roc and Hook. And oh boy...did @nikkistcrowe deliver! We are once again drawn into the world of dark and obscene Neverland. This time we sail with Hook to another Island. Captain is devoted to finding Wendy Darling but Roc is right behind him. Is it possible for mortal enemies to work together?

Well... 😁😎

We get mortal enemies with maaaany benefits 🤭 From the first time we met Roc and Hook I absolutely adored them. There is so much tension, hunger and intense clash of personalities. This is the best relationship in the whole series. To be honest - I sometimes forgot that their goal was to find Wendy. 🫣😅

As always it is bloooody spicyyyyy. Dirty talk between them... oh wow. I needed break after some chapters. And there are so many ridiculous moments. Drugged Hook with no control and boundries is my favourite.

I annotated nearly every line spoken by Roc. He is straightforward, shameless and sarcastic. I love everything about him.

The book is divided into triple POV. He get chapters told by Hook, Roc and Wendy. PERFECT!

Apart from spice and ... well...romance - this is just amazingly interesting story. The mysterious queen, the search, the evil witch. You can't be bored with this book.

And the ending! Omg! Where is the next part?! I mean, how am I suppose to live not knowing what's next?!?!?

I adore it with every cell of my body. READ IT! 🖤🔥🖤

If You loved Vicious Lost Boys - this is a must-read! ♡

I still can't believe I received ARC 🥹 I'm so extremely grateful!

I knew I wanted and needed more Roc and Hook. And oh boy...did @nikkistcrowe deliver! We are once again drawn into the world of dark and obscene Neverland. This time we sail with Hook to another Island. Captain is devoted to finding Wendy Darling but...

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